Happy Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius.
This moon, this rainy night, everything feels soft and expansive. Gently drawing us into a cycle of evolution. I hope all of you are having a lovely full moon night.
Tonight I'm making a datura flower essence for dream and shadow work. I've been spending time with this plant in my neighborhood for a few years now, and there's a patch I visit almost every night, watching it grow taller and thicker. I've been spotting datura wherever I go all summer, and this finally feels like the time to work with her. I can't quite put her pull into words, but she's wild, crafty, unruly, a sister of Lilith. Beautiful because/despite her danger. An ally in seeing both sides at once. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.
(And obviously, I am not ingesting any part of this plant. She's highly toxic and only for energetic use.)
Full Moon in Capricorn
Or Capricorn or whatever goat-fish is local to you.
I unapologetically am reusing this joke and picture from the Cap new moon 6 months ago because we are all reaching the peak of a cycle started then, a cycle of evolution in our work and physical presence in the world. What has sprung out of your earnest hard work this year? How have you shown up consistently in your life? How does your work ground you with joy and play? You're at the top of this cycle and can look around and see what's gotten you here before continuing on. This is a point of both clarity and hands-on action. I think this full moon will actually really feel great for a lot of people, because we love to feel like we can see where we're going and what to do to get there. Today you can see practical course corrections, next steps, and concrete to-do lists.
This full moon also brings together Cap's steady earth with Cancer's intuitive water. In the past few weeks, I've been getting messages about trusting the body's wisdom. We're now at a point where our bodies' messages are strong and clear. Today is a great time to be actively, generously kind to your body -- like your body is a beloved child. Hug yourself, give yourself healthy treats, take yourself out to play. And ask your body for wisdom about what you do in your daily life, like your work, job, food, sleep, play, practices. Just intend to feel the answer in your body and notice what physical sensations come through, then journal it out. Nbd if you're not sure what you're sensing, make it up and journal anyway.
May your full moon be full of good work and play and clarity. And maybe some capybara videos for inspiration.
Full Moon in Sagittarius
Happy Full Moon from me and this sweet patch of moss
Full Moon in Scorpio
The card I drew for this moon is Ace of Cups. The invitation here is to go deep, get weird, and embrace our shadow, all in the service of love.
Happy full moon, beautiful people!
Full Moon in Virgo
This is the message that came through for me to share about this full moon. I hope it serves you!
Virgo is all about the individual in direct service, and connecting to spirit through work. We are after all, "spiritual beings having a human experience" (thank you, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin). So part of each person's spiritual path is to help other people physically. Use your body and mind to help the suffering of other peoples bodies and minds. Your body is your physical life here on earth. Your body includes your voice, your mind, your work, your hands, your heart. There is always something you can do that serves other people. Even when you feel you're not doing enough, or that you couldn't possibly be of service, you can accept the kindness people show you -- that is an act of service, too.
Whatever you do, please know that your life can be of service of other people. You will find the right way for you. I truly believe that every task, every career, can be one of deep healing for yourself and others. You can be the designer who creates clothing that makes people feel safe and beautiful and strong. You can be the cook who makes warming soup on a cold day. You can be the accountant who helps clients release their fear of money. You can be the cashier who waits patiently while a customer counts out exact change. You can do all of those things in everyday life.
Please also use some of your free time to do extracurricular healing work, in volunteering, protesting, calling. If you can call or email representatives currently in power, do that. If you can go to protests, do that. If you can step in when you hear racist or sexist comments and say, that's not ok, do that. If you can donate your money, time, food, or labor, do that. If you can listen to and believe people who speak out about the injustices they face, do that. Those are things we can all do every day.
And there are some things you can do that you may need to do soon, that are beyond the everyday. If you can use your home to keep someone safe from wrongful detainment, do that. If you can help defend someone from attack, do that. You are strong enough to do what is right.
Work on believing that you have in you the power to make a difference in your daily life and in out-of-the-ordinary situations. Say it out loud to cement it. "I have the power to make a difference for other people." Then start to put your belief in practice. This full moon is the time to look at your life and see what's grown over the last month, through this Virgo lens. All you're being invited to do, is to feel the truth of your own wholeness and service.
Full Moon in Aquarius
The Tower
Just in case you were getting comfortable with the status quo, here's The Tower! This shits-about-to-get-real vibe has been getting stronger for a while. Now it's here. Things are going to be confused, scary and downright weird for a little while as this energy plays out.
And this time The Tower isn't just a tear-down of your personal outdated beliefs (though yes, it is that, too). It's signaling a tipping point in the greater consciousness. We are ready as a society to evolve. The first step is ripping the old shit down. No more condoning systemic violence and oppression by your silence. Stand up and speak out. It's ok if you're uncomfortable, that's how you know you're growing. Put aside your own fear to see that other people's fear is what's causing them to lash out. The Tower is an invitation to feel your fear but know it's not the truth. And then do what's right, despite that fear.
When this tower falls, be there to build a better one that shelters all people. Be there to build walls out of love, not fear. And today, in any way you feel is right, do something concrete out of love. Even if it's just saying a genuine good morning to your neighbors. ⠀
Each day this week as the moon wanes from full, picture your fear dissolving little by little. And in its place, see that there is love, that it's been underneath all along. By the new moon, only love will be left. What does that look like for you?
Solstice and Full Moon
SOLSTICE: Queen of Swords.
This summer brings out the need for clear, direct communication, facing your truth head on, and saying it exactly how you mean it. You can experience thoughts and emotions that are not the truth (like feeling not-enough, or thinking that someone is judging you, etc). But as you're experiencing these thoughts and feelings, you will recognize that they're not true, that you can let them happen without letting them move you one inch from your truth.
FULL MOON: The Hermit, reversed.
The solitary part of the journey is over. Come up for air after deep inner explorations and bring all that you've learned into the world. You're here because other people need you; you've done this work on yourself so you can bring it to other people, too. You'll always have to revisit the hermit's cave as your journey continues, but remember to balance your outer actions with your inner ruminations. Walk your talk.
Together, this is a clear call to get out there and act on your soul's truth, whatever it may be. The world needs you to BE you, full-on, exactly how you are. Every time you speak the truth of who you are, or practice the job you're here to do, you're opening the way for others to do the same. And in turn, they'll support you as you continue on your path.