This is the message that came through for me to share about this full moon. I hope it serves you!
Virgo is all about the individual in direct service, and connecting to spirit through work. We are after all, "spiritual beings having a human experience" (thank you, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin). So part of each person's spiritual path is to help other people physically. Use your body and mind to help the suffering of other peoples bodies and minds. Your body is your physical life here on earth. Your body includes your voice, your mind, your work, your hands, your heart. There is always something you can do that serves other people. Even when you feel you're not doing enough, or that you couldn't possibly be of service, you can accept the kindness people show you -- that is an act of service, too.
Whatever you do, please know that your life can be of service of other people. You will find the right way for you. I truly believe that every task, every career, can be one of deep healing for yourself and others. You can be the designer who creates clothing that makes people feel safe and beautiful and strong. You can be the cook who makes warming soup on a cold day. You can be the accountant who helps clients release their fear of money. You can be the cashier who waits patiently while a customer counts out exact change. You can do all of those things in everyday life.
Please also use some of your free time to do extracurricular healing work, in volunteering, protesting, calling. If you can call or email representatives currently in power, do that. If you can go to protests, do that. If you can step in when you hear racist or sexist comments and say, that's not ok, do that. If you can donate your money, time, food, or labor, do that. If you can listen to and believe people who speak out about the injustices they face, do that. Those are things we can all do every day.
And there are some things you can do that you may need to do soon, that are beyond the everyday. If you can use your home to keep someone safe from wrongful detainment, do that. If you can help defend someone from attack, do that. You are strong enough to do what is right.
Work on believing that you have in you the power to make a difference in your daily life and in out-of-the-ordinary situations. Say it out loud to cement it. "I have the power to make a difference for other people." Then start to put your belief in practice. This full moon is the time to look at your life and see what's grown over the last month, through this Virgo lens. All you're being invited to do, is to feel the truth of your own wholeness and service.