The Tower
Just in case you were getting comfortable with the status quo, here's The Tower! This shits-about-to-get-real vibe has been getting stronger for a while. Now it's here. Things are going to be confused, scary and downright weird for a little while as this energy plays out.
And this time The Tower isn't just a tear-down of your personal outdated beliefs (though yes, it is that, too). It's signaling a tipping point in the greater consciousness. We are ready as a society to evolve. The first step is ripping the old shit down. No more condoning systemic violence and oppression by your silence. Stand up and speak out. It's ok if you're uncomfortable, that's how you know you're growing. Put aside your own fear to see that other people's fear is what's causing them to lash out. The Tower is an invitation to feel your fear but know it's not the truth. And then do what's right, despite that fear.
When this tower falls, be there to build a better one that shelters all people. Be there to build walls out of love, not fear. And today, in any way you feel is right, do something concrete out of love. Even if it's just saying a genuine good morning to your neighbors. ⠀
Each day this week as the moon wanes from full, picture your fear dissolving little by little. And in its place, see that there is love, that it's been underneath all along. By the new moon, only love will be left. What does that look like for you?