The Hermit is kind of the grandpa of the Wands. He's mastered all of that fire and ambition and steps away from the world to take his energy education to the next level.
He understands that some answers are only inside you, or maybe all answers, and the only way to find them is to give yourself space and time away from other influences, so you can go deep without interruption.
He's solitary but still part of humanity, shining a light to show other people that way. He's sharing his wisdom with all of those Wands-y grandkids struggling and striving and trying so hard to figure out their fire. He shows them the way to own your fire is to go within, bring it out, and make it a beacon.
Today we are invited to go within and meet up with our inner wise elder, who can show us how to own our fire and work with it. This inner elder is not going to coddle you, though. They're uninterested in appearances, excuses, or the societal ideas of success. But they are 100% here for you, and will help you be more you. Carve out some quiet space today to listen to their advice.
The Hermit is also associated with the sign of Virgo, so your season is off to a good start, Virgo friends!
Solstice and Full Moon
SOLSTICE: Queen of Swords.
This summer brings out the need for clear, direct communication, facing your truth head on, and saying it exactly how you mean it. You can experience thoughts and emotions that are not the truth (like feeling not-enough, or thinking that someone is judging you, etc). But as you're experiencing these thoughts and feelings, you will recognize that they're not true, that you can let them happen without letting them move you one inch from your truth.
FULL MOON: The Hermit, reversed.
The solitary part of the journey is over. Come up for air after deep inner explorations and bring all that you've learned into the world. You're here because other people need you; you've done this work on yourself so you can bring it to other people, too. You'll always have to revisit the hermit's cave as your journey continues, but remember to balance your outer actions with your inner ruminations. Walk your talk.
Together, this is a clear call to get out there and act on your soul's truth, whatever it may be. The world needs you to BE you, full-on, exactly how you are. Every time you speak the truth of who you are, or practice the job you're here to do, you're opening the way for others to do the same. And in turn, they'll support you as you continue on your path.