You can’t avoid pain in life, but you can choose how you treat yourself when you’re in pain.
Where we get hurt emotionally, sometimes we compound the injury by denying our pain. We tell ourselves it’s dumb to feel that way, we tell ourselves to get over it, we tell ourselves to toughen up — basically we use the logical mind to fuck up our soft, intuitive heart. In RWS-inspired decks, this card usually shows a heart pierced by 3 swords. Which feels like the heart asking for your focus. It’s totally normal and necessary to pay attention to that! You wouldn’t ignore a broken leg, don’t ignore a broken heart. You deserve to feel your feelings and heal your wounds.
This new moon is a good time to set intentions for healing and balance, and it’s so nice to have an intention come from the heart. You can literally ask your heart what it needs. It’ll tell you. Put your hands over your heart, take a few deep breaths in and out, and when you feel tuned in, say hey heart, what do you need for healing this moon cycle? Notice what words, sounds, images, and emotions come through. That’s your answer.
Mine says more service, more laughter and more sleep.
Happy new moon, and love to you all.
Daily Tarot: 3 of Swords
Today, pain is front and center. It's not necessarily an extreme pain, and it's not the only thing going on, but it's the only thing we can think about. We're so zoomed in on the details of how and why we hurt that we're not seeing anything else.
The invitation of 3 of Swords is to remember that we experience pain, but we don't have to compound it. Everyone feels this card sometimes, no matter how evolved they think they are. In moments of pain, we can choose to be kind to ourselves, which includes reaching out for help or another perspective when we can't see past this feeling. We can choose to be open. We can choose to let our painful experiences build our compassion and empathy, rather than making us bitter.
This is subtle and takes practice, but the Swords experiences have so much opportunity for self-love in their tough-seeming lessons. Once you get used to noticing but not judging how you feel, your inner experience can change in some really amazing ways. This is a great opportunity for you to be nice to yourself, like really nice, the way you are to your best friends. Take good care of you.
Mind Body Spirit + Advice
Sometimes you don't have to know why something happens, you just have to trust that it's part of the process. Keep moving, keep working, it'll make sense in time.
Mind: The Fool
There is literally no impediment to taking big chances in your thoughts. None! So what are you waiting for? What seems too big to even dream about? What would you really, truly love to make happen, that you're still a little bit afraid of actually doing? Take your wildest dreams, and crank them up a billion percent. This leap in your mind will prepare you to make the leap in your life. Right now, you're invited to imagine and envision the end result.
Body: The Chariot
Move that body, feel at home in it. Keep it strong and healthy. But while you're doing all of this, remember that a body is also a one-way ticket. You're never going to be able to escape or reverse aging, no matter how many fancy creams you buy, or how many probiotics you eat. Can you love your body as it is right now, and as it's aging? Can you be really present in the daily processes of your body? Your body is your vessel, and it also IS you. Take some time to really be in your body and feel its potential. If you can run, run. If you can breathe, breathe.
Spirit: 3 of Swords
Everything that comes to you is a spiritual lesson. Even if it's a fight or heartbreak, or just getting your hackles up about the barista running out of change when you're already late for work. See if you can hold those daily grievances with love, rather than feeding them to the fire of an old trauma. For instance, when somebody talks over you, and that triggers feelings about your worth and your parents. Can you notice when that happens, and your response to it? These daily irritations scratch the surface so you can find the bigger underlying wounds, and start healing them.
Advice: 7 of Pentacles
This card has been coming up a lot over the past few months, for me and for others. Gotta do the work, put in the hours. Show up every day, do your best, check one more day off the calendar. You build mastery through consistency. You build consistency one day at a time. We are being asked to take all of the advice of the three previous cards, and put those actions into our day-to-day life. Imagination, grounding in our bodies, gentle self-healing. Take those threads and weave with them.
Hope in Heartbreak
In the wake of all of this bloodshed and heartbreak, I feel an unexpected thing: hope.
I feel hopeful, because the heartbreak that so many of us feel is is a powerful catalyst for change and healing.
Hope isn't wishing for some outside force to fix things in the distant future. It's realizing that our inner force is enough to start fixing things right now. This healing is not going to be easy, it's not going to be pretty, but it is definitely within our power.
So let's take these new cracks in our heart, put our fingers inside, and break our hearts all the way open. There is no room for fear, avoidance, or hate. Let the change start with you.
Give yourself the compassion and care you need. Examine your prejudices. Be actively kind to other people; see them, and hear them. Don't become complacent, don't forget, don't ignore, don't be silent. Especially those of us who are white, because that gives us the privilege to speak out in relative safety. Leverage your privilege. When you see injustice, it is your responsibility to change it.
If you can't find the words on your own, please amplify black people's voices right now. Share articles, donate to victims' families, show up at protests, and contact your elected officials.
You can't change the whole world all at once, but you can start the change. You must participate, and you must start now.
I love you, I see you, I hear you, I believe in you.