Go deep.
Today is a chance to connect with the ancient wisdom that you carry in every cell. What's waiting there will help you on your journey.
This coming full moon and lunar eclipse will invite us to reintegrate the deep parts of ourselves that we've forgotten - instinct, collective memory, past lives - and the shadow parts we would like to forget.
It's all part of you, and it's all important. You're diving down to bring this knowledge to light, and welcome it to your conscious life. Trust that your depths hold no knowledge that could ever hurt you.
Reconnection will only make you stronger.
You're made for the depths.
You're made to bring light.
Whale card from @the_wild_unknown#twuanimalspirit oracle deck
Daily Tarot: Justice
We're being asked to take a step back and observe what's going on. Just notice. No judging anything as good or bad, no opinions about what should be happening in the future, no blame for anything that happened in the past.
What's here is here for a reason, but now is not the time to search for the reason. We're invited to see what just is. Notice what's happening, notice your reaction to it. We're invited to trust that we're in the right place, and we'll see the underlying "why" when the time is right.
I definitely didn't expect this card today. Before drawing today's card, I was thinking about all of the wands cards I've pulled in the last few weeks, and the messages that have been coming through about surrendering control. I guess I expected more wands, or The Hanged Man.
But Justice is the perfect card for today, and it feels like we've been building to this point. In all of the ways we seek to control our lives, the most prevalent is the way we reach for control with our minds. We put a label on something as good or bad so easily. Whether it's our commute, our coffee, our colleagues, we judge, label, compare. But there is no good or bad. There are just events and experiences. Those labels limit our perception of what's really happening. Coming to the present moment in a neutral way, we begin to open ourselves to understanding what's happening, and the reasons why it's happening. We open up for that wisdom to drop in.
The refrain in my head here is: justice just is. I'm dropping my judgements about how that phrase sounds, noticing how I want to edit it out, and leaving it.
Dream Big, Work Big
Today's sweet office ::
I had the honor of offering email and in-person readings for some lovely people and I just love this work. I want to do as much of it as possible.
If you'd like to work with me, please reach out! I'm now booking for June and July.
I'm also working on setting up a scheduler, planning an email newsletter, more public classes, and private lessons. And I want to write a TV show, maybe a book first. 😜 Dream big, work big, do all the things!
Thank you all for hanging out and reading this and for also sharing your lives with me. Happy weekend, people!
Snake Medicine
I wanted to share this with you, it's something that's been on my mind a lot recently. I asked for clarification on things I've been seeing about the collective, so this reading is for all of us.
Your work here is to grow and change, in a continual spiral toward becoming your true self and living your purpose. A snake has to shed her skin as she grows. And you have to leave behind the things you've outgrown, too. This is a time of awakening for all of us, whether we choose it or not. It is uncomfortable to grow and outgrow, even when we're ready. There will be people who fight it, and try to stop change or even push it backwards, not just their own personal change, but the awakening and freedom of others. They will not succeed, and even the "success" they're aiming for is an illusion. No one's freedom, happiness, or abundance threatens that of anyone else. Please don't worry, even when the news is awful. There is no going back to a less awakened time. You can't fit a snake back into her molted skin. And you can't un-know the truth about yourself. We all have to keep going. The more each of us wakes up, the more we can all wake up.
In the guidebook for these cards, Snake is called the guardian of untapped magic and knowledge. There's a note that the snake card appears "when there is no more time to waste." So now, right now, what can you decide out of joy rather than fear? Where can you shed illusions of separation? Where can you embrace your magic?
And you don't have to do this all alone! Accept help whenever it's offered. Please reach out to me if you'd like a tarot reading or energy work to support you as you grow. Love you, hope this helps.
Happy Solstice
New Moon: Mugwort Tea and Death
New moon 🌑
Mugwort tea and Death 🍵
Our invitation now is about letting things find their natural end. Letting go of things that have already ended. This time feels so much like a beginning, though, in its endingness. By letting go with grace, we're clearing out to make room for our own growth. Like raking up decaying leaves to find the first crocus sprouts underneath. We have so much potential, and all we have to do is make the space for it to flourish. (Here's where the message I'm bringing in reminds me of something else: @wildsoulhealing's beautiful post about this new moon as an activation. Read that if you haven't already.)
Happy new moon, everyone.
Taurus Supermoon
Nine of Wands
Combining the super-close moon energy with the earthy Taurus, and the building energy of wands, this is a time to recharge, re-stock, and re-center to set yourself up for the coming challenges.
Get really grounded into your body and your physical world. It'll give you the foundation to build from and help keep your energy up as you do your very important work. These are all practices you can come back to when you feel like you're heading for a burnout. Remember that you can do all you need to, but you don't need to do it all at once, and you don't need to do it alone.
-Eat protein and iron-rich foods, and root vegetables
-Spend time with people you love
-Stretch, lift, run, box, dance, sing
-Take 3 deep breaths
-Make something with your hands: knit, draw, sculpt, cook, craft
-Masturbate or have sex with a partner
-Organize your dresser, kitchen, or living room
-Hold a grounding stone or object
-Take care of your plants and animals. Trim old leaves, add new soil. Give your dog a bath and a treat
-Trade massages with a friend or give yourself a foot massage
-Sit quietly and imagine the moon pulling earth energy up into your body
-Go to bed early
-Do one thing at a time
Pictured are a couple of the ways I'm grounding tonight: knitting, making herbal oils, hanging out with excellent rocks and people.
Deck Interview: TWU Animal Spirit
Getting to know The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit deck.
What's your role? Cobra. The inner teacher. Patient, wise, ever-present. Connecting to that inner wisdom, being open to learn and teach.
What do you bring me? Peacock. The beauty of assimilation, "digesting" experiences so I can let go of past pain. That peaceful beauty resides within and radiates outward.
What will you help me bring to others? Otter. Bubbling joy and play without doubt or worry. Playfulness as reverence for life.
Retrograde Medicine: Vulture
Mercury is retrograde and I am INTO it. This makes 5 planets that are now retrograde. If you weren't listening the first 4 times, the message is slow the fuck down. Come to a complete halt. Stop trying to swim against the current. Let die whatever doesn't serve you, and offer it to the earth to decay and serve new life.
You know how when you plan an event, you need just as many people to clean up afterward, as to set up? That's what this time is. The divine post-party cleanup. It's not glamorous, but it is half of the total energy cycle. Death is part of life, decay is part of growing, stillness is part of moving. Think of the decomposers in nature, the less-lovely birds and beetles that break down dead things and make them part of the earth again. They're playing their part in the cycle so we can live these lives, and use these bodies. We need them. We can give back to them by feeding them the dead and dying parts of us - that's our part in the cycle.
The most important self-care for retrograde is release. Wrap up old tasks you've been putting off, then feel the mental space you get from not having to think about them anymore. Sit with your old wounds and fears, gently release them and offer them to the vulture. Know that these dead things nourish her, and her cleansing work nourishes you. In the stillness that comes after release, just rest. Stay home, chill out, take baths. Rebirth will come when the time is right.
New Animal Spirit Oracle from The Wild Unknown
The new Wild Unknown Animal Spirit prints are so gorgeous! NYC, stop by the release party at The Untitled Space tonight to get your deck and maybe a print.