We're being asked to take a step back and observe what's going on. Just notice. No judging anything as good or bad, no opinions about what should be happening in the future, no blame for anything that happened in the past.
What's here is here for a reason, but now is not the time to search for the reason. We're invited to see what just is. Notice what's happening, notice your reaction to it. We're invited to trust that we're in the right place, and we'll see the underlying "why" when the time is right.
I definitely didn't expect this card today. Before drawing today's card, I was thinking about all of the wands cards I've pulled in the last few weeks, and the messages that have been coming through about surrendering control. I guess I expected more wands, or The Hanged Man.
But Justice is the perfect card for today, and it feels like we've been building to this point. In all of the ways we seek to control our lives, the most prevalent is the way we reach for control with our minds. We put a label on something as good or bad so easily. Whether it's our commute, our coffee, our colleagues, we judge, label, compare. But there is no good or bad. There are just events and experiences. Those labels limit our perception of what's really happening. Coming to the present moment in a neutral way, we begin to open ourselves to understanding what's happening, and the reasons why it's happening. We open up for that wisdom to drop in.
The refrain in my head here is: justice just is. I'm dropping my judgements about how that phrase sounds, noticing how I want to edit it out, and leaving it.