I wanted to share this with you, it's something that's been on my mind a lot recently. I asked for clarification on things I've been seeing about the collective, so this reading is for all of us.
Your work here is to grow and change, in a continual spiral toward becoming your true self and living your purpose. A snake has to shed her skin as she grows. And you have to leave behind the things you've outgrown, too. This is a time of awakening for all of us, whether we choose it or not. It is uncomfortable to grow and outgrow, even when we're ready. There will be people who fight it, and try to stop change or even push it backwards, not just their own personal change, but the awakening and freedom of others. They will not succeed, and even the "success" they're aiming for is an illusion. No one's freedom, happiness, or abundance threatens that of anyone else. Please don't worry, even when the news is awful. There is no going back to a less awakened time. You can't fit a snake back into her molted skin. And you can't un-know the truth about yourself. We all have to keep going. The more each of us wakes up, the more we can all wake up.
In the guidebook for these cards, Snake is called the guardian of untapped magic and knowledge. There's a note that the snake card appears "when there is no more time to waste." So now, right now, what can you decide out of joy rather than fear? Where can you shed illusions of separation? Where can you embrace your magic?
And you don't have to do this all alone! Accept help whenever it's offered. Please reach out to me if you'd like a tarot reading or energy work to support you as you grow. Love you, hope this helps.