Another repeat card from last week. This is a big lesson for all of us.
Judgement feels like the exact card we need for today's New Moon. It's in the sign of Virgo, which represents the self in service to the collective. The new moon is a time of introspection and intention. Judgement is waking up to your soul purpose. All of these elements work together to help us find practical ways to live in service.
Judgement brings up the idea of a soul path, the work we're here to do and how we do it. We talk about stepping onto our soul path, but it's important to recognize that *you are already on it* now, and always have been. You may not always be in the middle of the path, sometimes you're dragging your feet or getting distracted, but you're on it. Not one moment of your life has been a waste. So if you're buying into some fear story of how you're not good/experienced/happy/powerful enough to live your soul purpose, you can leave that here in the dark of the moon. Then pick a new story as an affirmation. Practice telling yourself that you are enough. Practice showing yourself that you're enough by helping people. Each day as the moon grows fuller, you'll believe it more. You'll feel yourself shifting to match what you're here to do. Make it an intention tonight (whatever day you're reading this), then in the morning put the intention into action. There are a lot of people who could use your help in the form of a donation, calling reps, showing up at protests, volunteering, listening, speaking, or receiving their service. Intention plus action, that's how you change the world. And you are here to change the world. Now that you're awake, it's time to take action.
My heart is with the people of Mexico, Dominica, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico tonight.
Daily Tarot: Judgement
Wake up.
Something beautiful is happening.
Your heart is cracking open, getting bigger, holding more light.
Your light ripples out to the people around you. All of your personal growth and healing serves the collective.
You're healing the collective not just through your example, but through active work that only you can do. You are here for a reason and it's time to start fulfilling your purpose.
Wake up.
It's time.
Now is when you step into your soul path, and you leave behind whatever limits you.
You are perfect and whole, so it's time to stop hiding from yourself in distractions, addictions, and self-sabotage.
You are connected to everyone and everything else so it's time to stop indulging in the illusion of separation.
You are worthy of whatever help and support you need so you can shed these patterns and rise up.
Wake up.
We need you.
The beautiful thing happening is that we're all waking up.
It is a joy and an honor to be waking up together.
Group Reading, and Thank You
Thank you to everyone I had the honor of meeting and serving tonight at Chelsea Wine Vault's Cabernet Carnival. I love reading at events and getting to talk with so many amazing people!
A few cards kept popping up over and over, and together they're a group reading for all of us tonight. Three of Pentacles, Five of Cups, The World, Judgement.
We're all learning to honor loss while being grateful for what's still here. We're learning to work together, that truly we have to work together to get anything important done. And we're waking up first as individuals, to our own potential, and then as a collective to our combined power. We're ready to do the work and change the world.
So let's get started.
I keep pulling the Judgement card for myself lately. It's like the universe is saying, you know what to do, do you need to hear it again?
Ok then, here's the lesson:
Just as you cannot control death, you cannot control rebirth. When you're called to rise, you have no choice but to rise. The only choice is whether you accept your path with grace and joy, or whether you try to resist and get dragged along. Either way, it's happening. Might as well surrender to it. I keep seeing messages of transformation, growth, snakeskin-shedding, spirals. And I'm scared. I'm touching something bigger than I ever thought, and it's part of me. I trust that I won't be called to anything I can't handle, but what does it mean if I CAN handle this big mystery? What happens to the ways I've kept myself small? What do I do when I can't see the way forward but I have to go anyway? What gets lost in the transition?
To all those questions, the answer is, I don't know. I don't need to know right now. All I can do is choose to trust my guidance and myself, and accept this call.