Another repeat card from last week. This is a big lesson for all of us.
Judgement feels like the exact card we need for today's New Moon. It's in the sign of Virgo, which represents the self in service to the collective. The new moon is a time of introspection and intention. Judgement is waking up to your soul purpose. All of these elements work together to help us find practical ways to live in service.
Judgement brings up the idea of a soul path, the work we're here to do and how we do it. We talk about stepping onto our soul path, but it's important to recognize that *you are already on it* now, and always have been. You may not always be in the middle of the path, sometimes you're dragging your feet or getting distracted, but you're on it. Not one moment of your life has been a waste. So if you're buying into some fear story of how you're not good/experienced/happy/powerful enough to live your soul purpose, you can leave that here in the dark of the moon. Then pick a new story as an affirmation. Practice telling yourself that you are enough. Practice showing yourself that you're enough by helping people. Each day as the moon grows fuller, you'll believe it more. You'll feel yourself shifting to match what you're here to do. Make it an intention tonight (whatever day you're reading this), then in the morning put the intention into action. There are a lot of people who could use your help in the form of a donation, calling reps, showing up at protests, volunteering, listening, speaking, or receiving their service. Intention plus action, that's how you change the world. And you are here to change the world. Now that you're awake, it's time to take action.
My heart is with the people of Mexico, Dominica, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico tonight.