This card shows up for me when I'm starting to push myself too hard. It says, remember that you're doing this stuff because it's fun. Don't squeeze all the joy out of your work because you're trying to meet some arbitrary goal. You're not playing life to win. You're playing because life is always new every moment, and you can learn to love the changes if you change with them. You can take something seriously and still let it be fun and surprising.
I was literally making a List of Things I Need to Accomplish to be Successful today, mostly to control my feelings of worry about the unknown. Rather than honoring my fear, my impulse was to numb it out with control.
I'm really glad I pulled this card and sat with it, because now I see some more of what was going on with me, and I don't have to continue the same way with that. Like, I can make a list, but rather than be all pushy and should-y, I can make a list of what I want to experience, and steps to get there. I'll be just as organized and efficient but I won't be making myself miserable by playing pageant mom to my inner child.
So if you're getting all control-freaky on yourself today too, see if you can pull back. See why you're reaching for control. Then find the original spark of fun in what you're doing.