Your physical space is both indicator of and an influence on your mental space. Pretty cool that it works like that. The 9 of Pentacles shows the fruits of your labor, and the pleasure you can take in your achievements, and the alignment of physical and mental space. I actually pulled this card reversed, which speaks to me of feeling a disconnect between your inner and outer spaces, or getting too much into the material or too much in your head.
Personally, I'm feeling disconnected from my physical space and all up in my head. I have piles of laundry in the bedroom. Dishes in the sink. Some of my houseplants have died. When I'm out I I want to go home but when I'm there I just read on my phone. Some of this is because I'm dealing with big uncomfortable life things and ignoring my space makes the tough stuff seem a little less real. I'm grateful that I can recognize that, but I still have to do the work and deal with outer and inner stuff.
I'm reminded here that whatever work I can put into ordering my little sanctuary will pay off by giving me more internal space. Clean your house, clean your mind, right? In a way, this is the essence of ritual: a physical practice that has non-physical effects. If you're feeling this too, see if you can do one act of order or kindness for your home or body. Do you feel a difference in your inner state afterwards?
I'm seeing a lot of stuff about creating space the last couple of days - does anyone else feel like this theme is in the air?
I'm writing a thing about psychic hygiene and clutter, @pinchofsalt.witchcraft just posted about cleaning and witchcraft, @wildsoulhealing mentioned creating space in her podcast, it's in today's post from @smallspells about Uranus retrograde.