Heyy it's emotional processing time! As in, give yourself the time and get in there and process emotions. Cups is the suit of water, and is tied to emotions. Neither water nor emotions do well in stagnation. There has to be motion and flow to keep things healthy. If you're feeling some vague malaise, it might be due to some unexamined feelings that you're avoiding. Don't let them get stagnant and cause more pain later on. Today you're asked to push some feels through the emotional pipes. (I certainly need to!)
I haven't talked about this on here but my mom is sick; it's bringing up a lot of fear and stress for me, and I've been avoiding feeling my feelings. Today I got to stay home, put on sad music and cry. Like big messy crying that is making my dog sit next to me and look at me with concern, which makes me cry more because he's such a good dog. And I'm doing some house-cleaning and crazy dancing to get sweaty and then taking a bath to soak it all out. Because you know what, emotions are important and if I don't process mine, I can't help anyone else process theirs. (Fellow empaths and sensitive people, this is suuuper important for us. )
We keep things going so our emotional flow can be healthy. For ourselves, yes, but also so we can show up well in our relationships. I don't have to tell you that repressing feelings leads to all kinds of hurt, or how much harder it is to work through old trauma that you've bottled up for years. So if you're feeling some feels today, please give yourself the time and space to do whatever you need to process that emotion. Cry, run, sing, yell, dance, draw, journal, talk to a friend or counselor. I love you, let's keep our emotions healthy.