9 of Swords shows up when our thought patterns are messing with our state of mind. Sometimes even literally keeping us up at night. And the invitation here is to look at what’s bothering us, make it conscious so we can face it. Facing stuff is never as bad as we imagine, that’s why this card shows a nightmare, not total ruin or everyone hating you.
Personally, I’m not feeling anxious but I am messing up my sleep schedule lately. I’m staying up late to write and think and I’m not my clearest self late at night. I’m also sabotaging my future clarity by burning too much midnight oil. And in looking at the reasons why I’m staying up late, part of it is an avoidance tactic, cause if I’m tired and foggy I have an excuse to not face my stuff.
So I’m listening! I’m looking deeper into this pattern. And going to bed now.
Daily Tarot: 9 of Swords
Quick intro cause I don't think I've said this lately: there are no "bad" cards. They're all invitations, medicine, lenses for understanding ourselves.
So! 9 of Swords looks pretty grim across most decks. The import thing to remember is that with Swords, we're talking about a mental experience. This represents a nightmare image, not a literal pile of skulls and chains (Halloween decor aside).
The thing about nightmares is, they speak in metaphors about our hidden fears. Once you face the root fear, no more nightmare (or maybe more like, if the nightmare comes back you know it's time to face another layer of that fear). 9 of Swords is a beautiful opportunity in a creepy package. It's like your brain shooting up a flare to show where it needs help.
And then you get to help your brain! 9 of Swords is an invitation to patiently, thoroughly look at your patterns of fear and worry. It shows you how to be responsible for the power of your mind rather than letting your mind run you ragged. It shows you when you're trying to control the future through worry, and offers you a chance to come back to the present. If you're feeling a lot of worry, pull yourself back to the present by moving your body, getting outside, talking to a friend, doing a grounding meditation. This is where your power is, and it's from here that you can act, and start healing the parts of you that are signaling for attention.
We're entering peak shadow work season, so this is a really good card to get us started. If you'd like support via a reading or energy work, please reach out and I'd love to serve you. 🍂🖤🍂
Daily Tarot: 9 of Swords
Stay out of the future, love.
When I pulled today's card, I asked what we're stepping into on this lion's gate day. And I was told nope, no peeking.
I'm getting this message over and over in different variations, to take a hands-off approach to whatever is on the way but not yet here. I'm being reminded that all my overthinking and what-ifs aren't helping future-me, and they're even starting to affect present-me.
I actually am way less anxious and in my head than I have been at other times into life, but I'm still being shown that it's too much. And I'm listening.
The more I can pay attention to what's happening in each moment, the less I'll stress myself out with my thoughts about the future. No matter what, I'll end up where I need to go. I can either spend the journey stressed out and miserable or present and grounded.
Simple things help: good food, hydration, routine, movement, getting to bed on time.
Today has felt really dense, with full moon eclipse waves still going. And this time of year always brings some pressure to plan ahead for fall and have something to show for the summer. If you're feeling this too, I hope this message serves you. 💖
I'm going out of town for a few days to visit my mom, but I'm back next week with my Tarot for Creativity class 8/17 at @newwomenspace (ticket link in bio! 👆).
And I have appointments available for private tarot readings and reiki energy work on Friday 8/18. Come hang hang out and get some clarity and support for eclipse season!