9 of Swords shows up when our thought patterns are messing with our state of mind. Sometimes even literally keeping us up at night. And the invitation here is to look at what’s bothering us, make it conscious so we can face it. Facing stuff is never as bad as we imagine, that’s why this card shows a nightmare, not total ruin or everyone hating you.
Personally, I’m not feeling anxious but I am messing up my sleep schedule lately. I’m staying up late to write and think and I’m not my clearest self late at night. I’m also sabotaging my future clarity by burning too much midnight oil. And in looking at the reasons why I’m staying up late, part of it is an avoidance tactic, cause if I’m tired and foggy I have an excuse to not face my stuff.
So I’m listening! I’m looking deeper into this pattern. And going to bed now.