Mercury retrograde is over!
Can I ask you to put some of your communication juice into supporting DACA?
Here are a couple ways you can help:
Text RESIST to 50409 to fax your congressional reps and governor.
Call the 9 AGs who are trying to end DACA and tell them you support it.
Ken Praxton (TX): 512-463-2100
Steve Marshall (AL): 334-242-7300
Leslie Rutledge (AR): 501-682-2007
Lawrence Wasden (ID): 208-334-2400
Derek Schmidt (KS): 785-296-2215
Jeff Landry (LA): 225-326-6079
Doug Peterson (NE): 402-471-2683
Alan Wilson (SC): 803-734-3970
Patrick Morrisey (WV): 304-558-2021
Show up to a protest if you can. There's one in NYC at the tower today from 11am on.
And share this info and encourage everyone you know to offer their support too.
Thank you!