Today brings a breakthrough in understanding. Sometimes this Ace feels like a new idea, but today this card feels like finally "getting" something that you've been on the edge of for a while. Truth will just drop in really clearly. It'll be like ohhh THATS what that was!
That hand pops out of the clouds when you're ready to grab the sword it brings you. And while you can't make inspiration strike, you can at least look up once in a while so you don't miss it, and make sure your hands aren't full of old junk so you can take the sword.
Your job with Ace of Swords is to free your hands and take what's given you. And you don't have to use it immediately, but you do have to use It well. You're the guardian of this knowledge now.
I've been having little Ace of Swords moments all day. Probably because I finished up a couple of projects yesterday and was feeling open and curious today.
Here's one: I was rereading a book about anchoresses that I kept from college, and part of it describes a practice of distinguishing between love and fear that is something I've learned from other sources in the last few years. So this was like finding a missing idea ancestor. It was really cool to feel that click!
Anyone else have anything suddenly make sense today?