The 5 of Pentacles shows our feelings of lack. This card depicts an internal situation, and here I am speaking to people who are materially ok, like me and probably you. I am not trying to say "just believe in yourself" or some feely nonsense to people who do not have enough resources to survive or thrive. Poverty is real, the poverty mindset of 5 of Pentacles is an illusion.
It's when we find ourselves saying, I'm not happy because I don't have that THING - job, house, car, relationship, fame, clothes, body type, a million dollars.
So we project our power outward onto those things. We get used to the idea that we're unhappy because of material circumstances outside our control. We romanticize the struggle.
And all of that disconnects us from our power. We are not without resources. We can work with what we do have, and ask for help. We can value ourselves no matter what things we have. Happiness comes from inside, banal but true. You can be born rich and privileged and famous and still be miserable, always grabbing for more things.
If you're feeling like you lack some key thing today, ask yourself if you really need the THING or if you just want the contentment you think comes along with it. If that's the case, do something positive to re-boot. Help another person, or ask for the help you need. Make something, clean something.
Be gentle, this is a normal feeling. Look at the people out there in the snow, right outside a warmly lit church. That little mouse hoarding his crumbs. Don't you want to be kind to the parts of yourself that feel like that?
I don't know about you but I really needed to see this today. This feeling of lack is a trip my mind takes me on when I start to claim my power in a new way. That's how I know it's important to keep going. So once you recognize that you're in this state, and you do a little feelings first aid, look deeper and see where you're growing.