When make a case for something, we have to believe in it. We have to align our words and actions with our energy. When our energy doesn't match what we say or do, people can tell. If you don't believe what you say, neither will anyone else.
Have you ever heard someone speak, and even though they play the part well, you just don't buy it? Or when someone is totally authentic, we see that, too. That's the 7 of Wands at play - how well someone's actions match their energy. When they don't match, it's often because someone is trying really hard to convince you of something, and that sets off your bullshit detector. (Hello, this is why there are negative stereotypes about lawyers, actors, and politicians!)
This card is making me think of McCain's speech. I personally don't buy it. I don't think that rehashing it more here will serve anyone, but it's a good example of this energy.
So with this invitation for today, we learn what it means for us to speak and act in alignment with truth, and we also learn how it looks when people are purposely acting out of alignment. We don't have to buy it. What you can do, when you notice that misalignment in someone else, is make extra sure you're saying what YOU believe and then acting on it. You take care of you. You're the only person in the world you can control.
I love all of you. This continuing healthcare bullshit is really hard to handle. Please don't give up hope-- not that a bunch of rich old white men will do anything for us, but that we will find new and very old ways of taking care of each other. ❤️ I'm here if you need me, and I'm grateful you're here, too.