I was thinking about grounding a lot yesterday (like ya do), and pulling the 4 of Discs is the perfect time to talk about it, because this card invites us to get grounded.
If you ground your energy consciously already, awesome. Do that extra today. If you're like, wait what? - read on for a quick Grounding 101.
Grounding connects your energy with the earth, steadies you so other people's energy doesn't impinge on yours, and recharges you. It does a lot more than this, too, but I think it's important to try it and see what it does for you personally, rather than just reading. If you learn one energy practice, make it this one.
Here's my favorite grounding method: I imagine roots running from my body deep into the earth. I feel these roots keeping me balanced and steady, and I feel my energy travel through my body, through my roots and into the earth. The earth filters my energy and composts anything I don't need, like frustrations, old patterns, fear. Then fresh energy flows back through my roots into my body, and I thank the earth for her help.
I like this method because I don't need any tools, and I can root down in a few seconds while on the subway, or take my time at home. It's the foundation of my energy work. I ground myself throughout the day, especially before working with clients. I also incorporate grounding practices into my services, to help clients feel calm and present and get the most out of our work. Of all the practices out there, this is the one that's made the biggest difference for me on a daily basis, so I hope it serves you, too!
There are a lot of variations of grounding methods, so poke around, try some out and see what works for you. You might even realize that you already do some things automatically that ground you. Does anyone have a grounding practice or tool that they love? (If you want to nerd out about visualizations and trees and crystals I am Here For It.)