Light your own way.
It's time to step away from anything you've been leaning on, because you don't need it. You're using these behaviors, ideas, and things more for comfort than anything else — like training wheels or a security blanket. But you're at the point where any more comfort will start to numb you out. And you did NOT come here to be dull and inert. You came to get shit DONE. You came here to let something bright, pure, and completely unique shine through you. Step forward. It's uncomfortable at first but that's how you grow.
What's the first thought or behavior pattern you retreat to when you're really out of your comfort zone? Do you think, this is out of my league, I have to go home immediately, this is dumb, nobody will care, people will judge me, I'm doing it wrong? Do you get shy, make awkward jokes, get angry, seek reassurance, or shut down? Pay attention to those responses. See what happened to trigger them. It's usually when you're at a point where you can either embrace the discomfort and evolve, or stay hidden and "safe." Next time, all the next times, ride out the discomfort and see what happens. It will surprise you.
All the best things come to life outside that little comfort zone, you just have to step out to meet them.