Little bedside altar, checking in with myself and where I am now, and thinking about the turn of the year.
I drew The Magician as my card for the 2016 on New Year's day, and I like to check in on how I'm moving through that lesson each season as the year progresses. I'm learning so much about manifesting--not the catchy law of attraction "manifest your dreams" stuff, but more about how we do create our world by how we perceive the world, and how we act in the world. The things we imagine are just as real to our brains and bodies as the things we experience.
It's hard for me to put into words, but the important thing is to be in the flow of it. To work with all of the elements, above and below, to realize that our personal power is the power of opening, allowing, channeling. I've been moving through a cycle of dealing with anxiety, and really sitting with it, but not trying to tamp it down or gloss over it with false positivity. Like, yeah, a lot of hard things are happening, but I don't have to identify with them. I know that changes come in cycles and seasons, and that this one is on its way out, making room for new growth.
Goodnight and happy autumn.