This is a new thing for me, to learn when to stop digging! I have so much experience replaying the same thoughts and scenarios over and over in my head, that it's become an automatic response. It's taken some work to break the pattern—to stop digging. It's something I've been told how to do, but it's best learned by doing. I'm learning, all the time, to respond rather than react. Once I feel what it's like, that makes it easier to do again.
And then once one stops digging, the second rule is, figure out how to climb OUT of that hole. For me it's been meditation (especially doing it even when it feels like my brain can't shut up), breathing, and writing things out. These are all steps I can build to get out of the hole.
And it fucking works.
Anyone else feeling like they just surfaced into something new this week?
Anyone surprised I stuck with that digging motif the whole way?
(Photo is liner notes from my 9th grade self's beloved Noise Addict cd.)