Really gentle check-in and course correction today. Something’s a little off balance, it just needs a nudge from you to get back on track. No grand sweeping gestures, though. Those are just as un-balancing as major lapses. If you haven’t been taking great care of your health, for instance, today’s not the day to go totally raw vegan package free all at once. Or to totally give up and just live on red bull. But like, do eat a vegetable. That kind of thing, small corrections that don’t overwhelm your system.
We are constantly rebalancing ourselves, nobody gets it right all the time. It’ll always be a little wobbly but you just have to keep going, because you are constantly given new chances to come into balance. This is just one.
Daily Tarot: Two of Pentacles
In the Two of Pentacles we put balance into motion, like the wheels on a bike. You stop moving, your bike falls over.
The two wheels here could be a lot of things, today their names are "do a little more" and " do a little less."
Where's a place where you're overdoing it? Pull back a little there. Where's a place you're slacking? Go harder there. No judgement on what you've been doing, no explaining why. Readjust and keep moving.
There's a rhythm to life and you get used to whatever rhythm you have going, so it's important to check in to see if you've gotten used to a wonky rhythm, like riding with a bent wheel (OR A CARD IN YOUR SPOKES #dadjoke #notsorry).
You can't ever really compartmentalize your life. There's no separation between work-you and home-you. It's all you. You only have this one you and that's why you balance where you put your energy.
So that's our deal today. Check in, adjust, keep moving.
Happy Labor Day if you're in the US, if you have the day off or if you're reading Instagram at work (or taking a quick break to post at work like I am). This is the day dedicated to work-rest-play balance. I want to talk about magic work and day jobs cause I have a day job and freelance gigs too and it's important for me to be all out on here. So if there's anything you want to talk about with THAT part of life balance, please comment.