Happy Full Harvest/Blood Moon in Aries!
The 3 of Wands invites you to get really clear on the core parts of yourself, so that you can make decisions that support you. This feels right in line with tonight’s Full Moon in Aries, the “I am” sign.
How well do you know your own energy? You have to know your baseline so you can understand how other factors affect you. Take time to check in with yourself in neutral moments and just see how your mind and body feel. It’s like you’re calibrating a sensitive instrument before taking measurements. Then you can say, this food nourishes me, this other one does not. This person lifts me up, this other one does not. This is so helpful in learning to trust your intuition and make good decisions.
Another part of the Full Moon clarity is seeing what you’ve learned this year. Tonight marks the time when seeds you planted back in the spring are bearing fruit. So look at how far you’ve come since then. Make a list, look back at pictures, play a song you listened to a lot this spring.
You’re at a point of synthesis, where you’re becoming conscious of all the different experiences that have shaped you. It’s from this point where you get to decide where you go next. That core self is the one constant in your life, so the more you get to know it, the more you can let it lead, the more you can do the really important and exciting things you’re here to do.
Daily Tarot: 3 of Wands
This is a really fitting card for the day after the eclipse, and the day Leo switches over to Virgo.
Now that you've covered some ground, what do you want to do next?
This particular 3 of Wands card feels like a tendency towards stability. The figure here is almost serving as the 4th wand himself. Which says to me, we can structure our actions to make the most of our energy. And the only place you can take action is in the present. Here you can structure both the energy you've already put into the past (structure as download and assessment) and your future energy (structure as planning and intention). And this seems like a very sustainable method: checking and course adjusting rather than acting on impulse or doing the same thing over and over out of stubbornness or inertia.
The point is, you're set up really well to take the next step on your path. Trust yourself.
And yes, I built my own three of wands on the beach today, just for you. 😂