We are invited into the darkness with the Equinox today, and the Moon card. From here on out the days will get shorter as the nights get longer. The Moon reminds us that there is nothing to be afraid of in the dark. We'll only find more of ourselves there. Our urges, instincts, ancestral knowing, unconscious images, and formless feelings. We may not understand any of it, but that does not mean it's "bad" or we need to "get rid" of any of it. It's necessary to balance the light. This is what connects us with The Mystery.
I love the dark weird parts of life—the moon is sexy and romantic and inspiring—but the dark also makes me uncomfortable on a very human level. Like today I've kept myself running around and busy so I could avoid sitting with my feelings and dark inner stuff. I didn't set out to do that, but I recognized what I was doing. And The Moon card likes to show up when unconscious stuff is ready to be made conscious. So after I post this, I'm going to just hang out with myself and see what's up with the unedited primal me, cause she has a message to deliver. If you're feeling like you're avoiding yourself, I encourage you to do the same - ask your unconscious what it's trying to show you and write until whatever message comes out. This is also a good time for dream work, so write down your dreams when you wake up.
Happy Equinox and Blessed Mabon, everyone.
Daily Tarot: The Moon
The Moon shows up when knowledge from our unconscious is coming to the surface.
When things start to surface, they can come through in vague impressions, dreams, gut feelings, symbols, synchronicity. They form so slowly and subtly that we don't always see them right away. And if we catch a glimpse out of the corner of our eye, we get startled. That lobster isn't supposed to be there! All of this nebulous stuff goes against what the rational mind likes. It's uneasy, sitting in The Moon's energy.
It doesn't have to be rational to resonate with us. It doesn't have to be easy, to be what we need. What is coming up, that's part of us. It is here to help us. It's here because we need it and we're ready to integrate it.
It is very tempting to treat this as a quest, a mystery to solve. Go into the darkness, bring stuff into the light and dissect it. What I'm getting here is that we're invited to just hang out with the weird formless stuff. The point, if there is a point, isn't to nail stuff down and explain it. We don't have to make everything conscious. That whole questing, explaining, measuring, analyzing way is very solar. The lunar approach is to let it be, and let yourself dissolve into it.
Here's a heckin lunar dream I had: I was talking to someone I've never met in waking life, and they said "I carry a space inside me to be whole. There's so much mystery in the world. I became a deep thinker to savor it, turn it over in my mind, but not to try to figure it out."
Please enjoy this nugget, from my unconscious to yours. Part of our whole-ness comes from being in touch with the void.
We're still swimming in all of the primordial Pisces full moon energy, so if you're feeling this, too, let yourself soak it in. It's part of you, it's safe, and you will understand what you need to understand. See if you can enjoy the fact that part of you is a mystery too big to be explained.
New Moon/Samhain/Halloween/All Souls Day
New moon/Samhain/Halloween/All Souls Day reading:
How can we release fear?
Deal with the scary things up close and personal. Hold them gently, especially the scary parts of yourself. When you can be soft and close with the things that inspire fear, and with the parts of yourself that experience fear, you'll find that fear naturally has less of a grip on you.
What cycle is closing?
The Moon.
We're moving out of a period of unconscious knowing, deep dreaming, and instinct. It's a weird place, and can be hard to grapple with because its very nature is pre-language. But if we can be present to the lesson of The Moon, even if we don't understand it at the time, we'll come to a place down the road where looking back, it will make perfect sense. We're moving toward that place now.
How can we be more in the flow?
Four of Wands.
Celebrate life, it's a dance. Connect with other people in joy and excitement, and give your energy a creative outlet. By being in the flow, I mean participating and creating, giving and receiving, without trying to control or scheme or explain everything. We can flow more, and more easily when we take time for pleasure and fun. Energy put into pure fun recharges us.
What cycle is opening now?
The Sun.
This is a beautiful counterpoint to The Moon. This is when all of the recent mysterious stuff will start making sense. We're moving into a cycle of expansion, clarity, warmth, energy and joy. So enjoy it! Look back on the last month, times that were dark and hard. Now you'll start to see how they were in fact lessons, and what they meant.