Today I pulled The Lovers reversed as our collective daily card, which says that we're avoiding opening up with other people. So please just check in with yourself and how you're showing up in your relationships.
All you're being asked to do is be open today, especially when you want to avoid it. Especially if you think it'll be a hard conversation. No matter what you're holding back, trust that the other person can handle it. Let them hold that part of you that you've kept hidden. There are parts of yourself you can't see, except through the mirror of another person.
In any relationship there's always 3 parties: you, the other person, and the relationship you create. The way I see this card, is the middle figure isn't some Cupid shooting darts, it's a magical manifestation of the relationship between the two human figures. That's what happens between you and your boo, or friend or neighbor.
Each connection you have with someone is totally unique and beautiful, and can take on a shape of its own. But you're never going to see what happens until you're really in. No more showing up halfway. Be willing to be vulnerable, let yourself be seen and held. And see them, hold them. Openness and compassion feed a relationship.
Venus squares Uranus today, a relationship check-in feels very timely. As you're opening up, you are supported by ~the stars~ if that helps to think about.
Love y'all. 😘