I'm getting to know the old Marseille deck I found this summer. Today's draw was with this deck, and I thought I'd share a bit of my process of learning cards and building my tarot mind palace. I'd love to hear what you think and how you work with a new-to-you deck, or if you have questions.
1️⃣First I look at the card and notice stuff without trying to interpret it. (Two sets of 3 coins, like one pyramid balanced on another.)
2️⃣Then I let some sensory or memory associations come in. (Reminds me of some space nonsense I read as a teen, maybe Stargate or Illuminatus Trilogy, where the Earth pyramids were built as pedestals for spaceship pyramids.)
3️⃣Bonus round: I cross-reference it to what I see in the same card from other decks. (RWS: balance, hierarchy. Small Spells: giving with love. Motherpeace: equals, healing, body. Wild Unknown: abundance, ripeness. Thoth: symmetry, facets, beehive.)
4️⃣Then I look over all of these observations and what's important to know right now will rise to the surface, and begin to form a message.
⏩What I'm getting is the importance of balancing giving and receiving. There's enough to go around. You have to give some away to stay balanced. You have to let some flow away from you to keep receiving.
I've been feeling really loved and supported by my various overlapping communities lately, and I'm so grateful to know all of you lovely people.
I've mentioned how I've been feeling like I have an increased capacity for service, which corresponds to an increased capacity to receive. That's the harder part for me, accepting help, support, compliments, attention. But receiving completes the circuit, makes the whole process come to life. We're not exchanging the same thing over and over like a sitcom fruitcake. As we share, the energy changes form, it might even get bigger. Loaves and fishes, right?
This energy is endless, that's what abundance is about.
Mantra for 6 of Pentacles:
"I'll always have enough when I share all I have."