Stay in your lane today, fam.
There is so much you *can* do, so please direct your energy toward that, and not all of the stuff out there that you can't. And this includes worrying or strategizing on someone else's behalf.
Give the world the gift of a you who's doing exactly what you're meant to, not a you who's burned out, worried, overextended.
This weekend brought us powerful, simple messages: we are enough, in fact, we are so much more than we think.
The 9 of Wands shows us at a point of choice before burnout. We don't have to go there if we can trust that we are enough, and are right where we're meant to be.
And trust that you're serving the world best by showing up to your work now, not projecting into the future or the past or other people's stuff.
If you've taken on too much, you can delegate or ask for help or take a break. Doing something good for your body will help ground you.
Whatever comes up today that tempts you to get out of your lane, just check in with your higher self about it. Ask, is this for me to take on? If it's not, step back. Reserve your energy for your own stuff only.
(Edit: after posting I noticed that the card I'm holding is out of focus and the background sunflowers are in focus. 😂Not on purpose, but fitting.)
Daily Tarot: 9 of Wands
Check yourself before you wreck yourself, bbs. Because you are way too precious to burn out.
Burnout is not a foregone conclusion. This is the time to ask for help. Delegate tasks. Prioritize. Do one thing at a time.
Sometimes the scariest thing is not being in total control. It's super vulnerable, and it feels safer to try to do it all, be perfect, be in control. But if your human mind is controlling everything, there's no room for serendipity. If you loosen your grip a little, you make space for things to line up even better than you can plan.
The lovely and wise @stefaniecaponi reads this card with an element of looking back at your experiences, seeing how far you've come. (Correct me if I'm misquoting you, Stef!) And I love that facet of this card combined with letting go of control. You're not here by accident, you have put in a lot of work to get where you are. That's not going to disappear if you ease up for a minute.