Here's how powerful you are:
You've created a fence around yourself, made simply out of beliefs. You are so powerful that when you believe something, you bring it into existence.
The 8 of Swords isn't here to judge you or tell you what you should or shouldn't do. It's neutral. It comes up when you're feeling stuck, and it very helpfully shows you the sticking points.
I find that when I get this card, it's because I'm afraid of my power, so I make up all kinds of rational, logical, reasons why I can't own my power. It feels easier to stay small, because I know how to do that.
If you can cage in your power just with beliefs, what can you do when you believe in your own power? When you put your mind in service of your spirit?
Today let's look at the way we fence our self in with "reasons." When you look at your limiting beliefs, they lose power and start to dissolve so that you can move forward.
A good exercise here (and one I'm doing today), is to write down 8 reasons you can't do what you truly want. Then go back through the list, and change each one into an affirmation. This pulls back your power, and lets you re-direct it to creating what you actually want. Think of these 8 beliefs as the 8 swords on this card, and with each affirmation, you pull a sword out of the ground.
Here's one of mine. Belief: I can't do this because people will think I'm weird. Affirmation: I am joyously open about who I am, and I approve of myself.
There are a lot of ways of working with feeling stuck, and with the 8 of Swords, this is just one that came through today. What do you like to do when you're in this situation?