Ace of Pentacles says that a new earthly gift is being offered to you now. A seed. Will you take it and help it grow?
This earthly life is a gift. You have the amazing opportunity to grow and change and learn and heal, and that can only come through your body. Bless your body. It is your home and your antenna and your teacher and your intuition. Your body is raw magic, its feelings affect your mind and soul.
Your specific life here is a gift, not just to you, but to everyone you touch. What would it feel like to believe that? How would you act? Try it on. Let that idea be a seed you start to grow. Show that you appreciate your gifts by making wise and joyous use of them.
Shadow Emotions
I've been thinking a lot about the nature of the "shadow emotions," as I'm working through some old wounds and patterns. Pulling the Ace of Pentacles for this process was so beautiful. These emotions like anger, sadnesses, greed, fear — all the stuff we'd rather hide or tamp down — they're a gift of earth, given by spirit.
And this is a minor card, too. Reminding me that these emotions aren't some huge once-in-a-lifetime struggle, but just a part of everyday life. They're part of the lived experience and are just as valuable as all of the other emotions. You're not a more evolved, spiritual, enlightened person if you don't have these feelings, or more likely, if you are good at repressing them.
The only way through them, is to really experience them, to live them with our earthly bodies and minds. We can't pretend we're immune to them because we meditate or work with tarot. Nor can we push them down, or cover them up with material goods or substances. We can't even hand them off to another person. None of those methods really heal the root cause. We can accept help, but we have to take these emotions on fully, ourselves.
That doesn't mean wallowing in sadness or stewing in anger. It means allowing the emotions to be there when they surface, not pushing them away or thinking you'll deal with them later. Whenever they come up, that is the perfect time to face them. Recognize, name, sit with them. And then get to the root of them. And that's the gift. Getting this opportunity to see yourself so clearly, and to actually heal yourself, as a part of daily life. Every day you're alive, you are given this gift anew.