One thing that occurred to me in writing this is that maybe it’s important that this card is usually called the Hanged Man because we’re seeing a suspension of masculine/outward/active energy. This card invites to fully surrender control and activity, and learn to be still, vulnerable, receptive.
Vulnerability is pretty much the hardest thing ever, at least for me. Anyone else feel this?
So we have The Hanged Man archetype to show us how to be present and willing in the moments when all of our layers of ego and self-protection are stripped away and we have no choice but to be vulnerable because that’s all we have left. I guess in these moments we could choose to struggle or shut down, but the better choice is to surrender. You’re stuck here, wait it out, smoke em if you got em, but sage, not cigarettes.
Held still, turned upside-down, totally unable to move in our usual way, we begin to see differently. Maybe the world is clearer from that perspective, maybe we are bringing our mind closer to the earth, maybe we sense with our open heart. Whatever it is, it’s something we wouldn’t have come to in any other way. Often, this figure is shown with a radiant halo, some say to represent the enlightenment found in surrender. Another thing that occurs to me about the halo is that even at your most raw, mortified, humiliated, suffering, you are still perfect and divine. Maybe we only notice that in moments of stillness.
So don’t struggle to stay in action right now, let yourself be vulnerable and soft. It might be uncomfortable but you’re safe. And discomfort means you’re in a good place to connect to some deep wisdom.
Card from the Mortality Impulses Tarot by Rebecca Sutton