Heck of a start for the week. I kind of want to congratulate the collective on getting here.
Because I've been hanging out with the Queen of Swords so much this year, the 2 things I notice first about the King of Swords are that he's facing straight out of the card, his sword tilted. The Queen sits in profile with a perfectly straight sword. This brings up a theme of personal vs universal truth. The King is slightly more concerned with honesty and open communication than precision and truth, the reverse of the Queen's priorities.
He invites you to give your life force energy expression through your words.
You know how tough Swords lessons can be, we just worked with 9 of Swords yesterday. The King has been through all of that. He's here to show you that when you deal with your mind kindly and honestly, you get somewhere good. You get better at it, or it gets easier, or both. And you get to know exactly what is your energy and what isn't. You know how strong you are and what really matters to you.
Then you can use your mental powers not just to survive but to thrive, to show up and share what you've experienced to help other people. Your words may not always be the most polished, but they are as complete a rendering of YOUR truth as you can get in human language. King of Swords can be very persuasive, because people can feel that he really believes what he says. There's something Chris Traeger- like about him. Sure it's not strictly possible for everything to be LITERALLY his favorite, but he really means it when he says that.
When you're tapping into this King of Swords energy, you are empowered to speak your truth. Get it all out there. Just make sure you cast an eye to universal truth once in a while and don't convince yourself that yours is the only truth. And don't use your words just to get what you want or stir people up. A leader has to take care of other people first. If you have any power you've gotta use it on behalf of all people, that's the rule.