I pull this card a lot when I'm visiting my mom—I got it twice in a row when I was here last month. She's back in the hospital, so if you have any extra good vibes, please send them her way.
For me right now, the Queen of Swords (and the part of me that is her) says, ok, I know you're scared and sad and angry and those are all legit feelings. Sometimes you need to let your rational mind work in service of the emotional stuff. Use that sword you've been sharpening to cut through some clouds.
I will help you understand these emotions rationally, cut them into small pieces so you can process easier, not so you repress them and avoid feeling.
And I will help you remember to bring the newspaper and flowers and the hairbrush to the hospital, and help you call doctors and billing departments. I will keep your mind clear so you can be a good caretaker and advocate, but not so you'll intellectualize and over-analyze.
I will take your emotions and translate them into words so you can talk to other people, not so you can isolate and push people away.
There's a lot of other important stuff about the Queen of Swords, but my entire chart is in Libra right now and I'm cutting off here (swords!) before this turns into a textbook.
I hope this clear-eyed Queen helps you, too. Hug your family, hug yourself, let your mind serve your heart.