The Magician reminds you that you ARE magical. You're a channel for creative energy. You can pull ideas out of the realm of potentials for bring them into the material. As above, so below, and you're the missing link of in-between.
You have all the resources you need at hand right now. But don't confuse the resources with the creative power. You won't be more magical if you get more or fancier stuff.
And definitely don't confuse the divine creativity you're channeling for your own power. This comes through you, not from you, using it for selfish reasons is a big no-no. Magic is not about having power over anything or anyone. You're as much an instrument as the tools on your table. Your personal power is linked to your free will, the ability to desire a change or creation, and say yes to making it real.
So work big, create great stuff, stay humble, and stay magical.