Today we are invited to tap into the sweet, playful, innocent inner source of love that we all have inside us. Even if you think you're too damaged or jaded, I promise you it's there. Ask it to show itself clearly and it will. Just try, in full earnestness.
Allow yourself to move through the world with curiosity, like you don't already think you know what will happen. Like you're not expecting to be scared or shamed by anything. Like you're precious and it's safe to play.
This can be light and easy if you take it minute by minute, make it a game.
For the next 5 minutes, act as if you are totally safe and free and full of love.
What would you do? How do you feel? How is that different from usual? I'm asking, I want to know.
For me, right now I just want to say that I love you, thank you for being here.
(Posted super late, I pulled this Saturday afternoon but it's got the same juice whenever you read it.)