Big ol pile of cards for me.
I don't usually pull more than one or two cards for myself, but sometimes I like to get a really thorough check-in.
I've been feeling like something has changed in me, but haven't been able to pinpoint it yet. I'm being shown here (among other things) that it's still in formation and is basically not available for understanding yet. But it feels like an upgrade in the way my body senses and holds energy. I've been feeling super sensitive lately, like almost too much. And I'm in the process of a lot of career/ life work development that is almost but not quite ready to change. This change is out of my hands, I've been getting that message for a while, but I have some tasks in the meantime, so that makes the waiting more bearable.
In case you wondered, I don't think I have everything figured out, or even many things. 😂 I'm in here doing the homework like everyone else.
Anyway! Feel free to read these cards for me if you see anything.
And I'm booking now for September if you want me to read for you!