Remember how I was planning to not post these on weekends? Neither do I. 🙃Let's just see what happens going forward.
Strength has come up a bunch in the last couple days, and she very much wanted to be today's card of the day. Who am I to say no to my girl?
Strength says, get up close and personal with your shadow. It is safe for you to deal directly with the parts of you that scare you. Directly, but gently. A brash approach will make them seize up and resist. Approach your shadow with love and not fear.
And because this is Mercury retrograde and eclipse season in Strength's sign, Leo, we're reviewing lessons we've already covered. We're going another layer deeper. This is facing your shadow parts AND being accountable for them. You're set up to do whatever you need to heal them, so they don't control you anymore. Which is great, because we are totally no longer able to sustain this cycle of hurt people hurting more people.
We keep being shown ways of approaching and healing our beliefs and wounds. I definitely have this on my mind a lot because I'm working through my own internalized bullshit and general life trauma. But I also feel that the cards I'm pulling are all touching on this topic. Like the last couple of weeks could all be one big reading for the collective.
I offer these readings in service. Take whatever you need, leave the rest. I'm here if you need more. Those of you going to vigils or rallies today, thank you. I hope to see you at Washington Sq Park after I finish work.