Sometimes life is so full of magic and mystery and everything sounds exciting and you don't know where to start.
But sometimes (like when you pull the 7 of Cups) all the exciting things catching your attention are in fact distractions from the one thing you actually need to pursue.
When that happens, you're using this fun stuff to avoid doing some inner work. The first thing I find myself doing when I'm avoiding some inner work, is pursuing some metaphysical study. Sometimes that's what I actually need to do, but when I'm reading up on Mayan astrology because I don't want to deal with my feelings, then I'm not doing justice to the study or myself.
When this happens, all you need to do is be gentle, and see what you're avoiding. Because that's where your attention is best spent.
In tarot, the 7s speak of times that an outer experience seems to be going on, but all the action is really on the inside.
So just bring it close in today. You can still go for all of those exciting ideas, just be sure you're choosing them consciously rather than as an escape.
(@wildsoulhealing posted about this card recently, go read it for more soul level insight)