Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement:
Let this news reaffirm your commitment to change your own habits, to speak out, to do whatever you can to heal the planet. Don't lose hope because some jabronies are flaunting their disrespect for life. That is meant as a distraction tactic, to spiral us in a bunch of fear and dire thoughts. It is meant to separate us from our innate connection with the earth, each other, and source. Keep your focus. Each successive news story about the US government's contempt for life serves to distract us, and to control the story of what's going on. If someone tells you over and over that you're not worthy of respect, rights, life, freedom, they are trying to make you believe it. They are trying to beat you down and crush your will to stay in your own truth. It is a classic abuser tactic, and what is a fascist state if not large scale abuse.
But you do not have to buy it. You don't even need to put energy into denying or resisting their message. Be soft, let it pass through you, like a shadow over water. Keep your energy available to use in creating art and speaking for threatened people, for taking responsibility for your own use of resources, and for doing the work of connection and support. That's what they want to prevent, is us being fully alive and connected. So notice the story, but don't grab onto it with despair or anger. Notice it, and keep on working to bring more beauty and love into the world. And not in a fluffy way. I mean the deep work of facing your prejudices, and privilege, caring for your fellow humans, respecting and protecting life, and speaking the truth. That's real love and beauty.
Please reach out if I can help support you. I have a few openings on Friday and Sunday. 💚
📷: Photo by me. Trillium on Mt Ranier