Gemini is the twins, the double, the mirror. Both the sun and moon are in Gemini, right now, bringing a layer of doubles to our perception. This is not a time of either/or, it is both/and. Nothing is being split in half or added to, rather we are seeing and feeling our own multi-faceted nature.
This invites a way of being where we are at the same time our everyday self and our higher self. We are both at once all the time, but in our culture we are conditioned to to try to split them. We're told to make "logical" ego-based decisions and brush off anything that might be termed "feeling," even when that is in fact your intuition. But both sides are meant to work together.
A powerful way for working with this moon's energy is asking yourself for guidance, like you're asking a wise friend. Not sure how you feel about something, or what the best course of action? Ask yourself, your higher self, the complete and loving part of yourself. Write down the question or issue you want to ask your higher self, then center in your heart. Intend for the answer to come from your heart, higher self, soul, intuition-- whatever term feels right. Then write the answer to your question. You may be surprised by what you see! Your intuition will always be loving and expansive, and won't judge or blame you or anyone else. If you read back on what you've written and you see any blame or mean self-talk, that's no big deal, just showing where the ego and old beliefs are-- for this exercise, just cross it out.
If you feel like you want to connect to your intuition, soul, or higher self, asking is the first step. It opens the opportunity for this inner guidance to come through more and more, and take the lead in everyday life. This moon is a very good time to open up to this part of yourself, because the current is just gently pulling that way, and it requires very little effort, just willingness to open.
📷: photo by me of Black Sun by Isamu Noguchi, Volunteer Park, Seattle