I'm feeling a lot of ways all at once about the act of terrorism in Las Vegas and the government and media responses, and if you are, too, please know that I’m sending love to you.
When I pulled The Tower this afternoon, something else came through about the Emperor energy from last night’s card, and how we can use it in service, in rebuilding.
The Tower represents radical change that you as a human have no control over. You can control how you react to it, and what you do after, but that's it. This can be overwhelming, but it clears space for what we need.
When the systems don't serve all of us, they come down. That's just how it works. But I'm seeing here in the reversal of the Tower, that we don't have to put our energy into tearing down (or trying to keep it in place) because this shit is falling already. So while gravity does her stuff, let's focus on what we can build right now, and share what we have with each other.
As the system crumbles, remember the divine masculine represented by the Emperor is not in any way aligned with the patriarchy, or with guns or violence or any other hallmarks of toxic masculinity. Humans have co-opted this archetype to serve selfish ends. Part of breaking down this system is in reclaiming and healing the divine masculine in all of us. This energy supports us in supporting others, creating structure, protecting, leading, building.
I'm also feeling this Emperor and Tower sequence in relation to the full moon in Aries this week. This will be a potent time for all of us to focus on taking back our power personally and as a collective.
Please take care of yourself today, as we mourn the lives lost in Las Vegas, and in Puerto Rico, Texas, Mexico, and all over the world. Honor these people's lives by showing up in any way you can in your community, calling reps, donating money and time, and being kind to all of your fellow people. We can start building the world we want right now.