Your job right now is to bring forth an idea from the void and give it form. Do you have a cool idea about how to make the world better? You’re the perfect person to take on this idea. Don’t believe it? Look around, you have the resources and time you need to make it happen, starting now. It’s ok if you don’t have everything mapped out. Let the inspiration work through you. Let it be even cooler and bigger than you can imagine.
If you don’t have that one amazing idea at hand right now, crank up your creative practice so you can flow some ideas through your channel. Just put pen to paper (or medium of your choice) and go, not stopping to judge or edit. When you’re tired, look back on what you’ve done and see what idea sticks. It’ll probably be something pretty cool, possibly an idea you’ve had before, but definitely something you brought through like magic.
I’ve been feeling this, like I want to have an exciting project going, the kind of thing I daydream about when I’m doing mundane things. So I’m going to commit some time in the morning to writing and drawing, and see what comes through.
I came to the cards tonight holding a lot of pain for myself and others, and asking to be shown a way through. This feel like the universe saying to each of us, if anyone can spin this straw into gold, it’s you.