You’ve worked really hard, and now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labors. But like, really consciously.
9 of Pentacles is a lovely safe-feeling card that reminds us how important it is to NOT always be closing. That’s not healthy or sustainable. You’ve gotta have both sides of every coin, and the other half of gain is gratitude. Because if you never fully appreciate what you have, you’ll never feel like you have enough. And you don’t want to end up a bitter billionaire who’s always grabbing for more, yet completely unable to enjoy anything. Whatever you have right now, appreciate the fuck out of it, just as it is. Trust that you will still have enough if you pause the hustle for a minute. Say thank you to the actual stuff in your life, your home, your food, your belongings, the experiences you’ve had, yourself, other people, the universe. Try it out, see what happens.