This is the cycle of action, like night and day. Get out there and help people, then accept help from people.
If you want to make a difference, know that you can and you will! But you will be more effective if you take time to recharge so you don't burn out. I'm seeing so many people already feeling overwhelmed by the straight-up fascist new regime. I'm feeling it, too. I had to take most of the day to recover from an injury from literally and figuratively carrying too much.
Please don't be "on" constantly, stressed and fighting, watching the news on one channel while checking another source on your phone. You might be feeling like you have to know what's going on all the time, that your anger and fear are good motivators, but that's not true. When you're in that fight-or-flight mode, you may feel active, but it's a short-term response. You'll be able to make better choices and carry them out when you're coming to the table well-rested and well-nourished. Yes, please check the news a few times a day. And sit with whatever feelings come up. And continue to serve your community and speak out about injustice. Just know that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Remember to take breaks, feel gratitude for the good things in your life, spend time with loved ones. And then you can return to work recharged and ready to do your best.