Release: Three of Cups, reversed.
Led go of the need for validation. The comfort of validation can act as a barrier between you and your soul's work. In seeking community, are you looking to blend in? When your goal is to be liked, you're trying to gauge someone's reaction to see what you should do next to continue to get their approval. You think, if these people like you, you don't have to face the dark parts of yourself, you don't have to do the hard work of embodying your truth. You're spending energy that could be directed towards your purpose, and you're taking it so many layers away from your inner truth. You're trying to shape your life according to your interpretation of someone else's opinion. And you're trying to control people's reaction, by acting in a way you think they'll approve. Let go of caring what people think about you. You don't need to prove anything to anyone else.
Embrace: The Hermit.
Embracing the hermit means embracing the part of you that stands alone, and seeking wisdom that can only come from within. That wisdom can only come from a disconnection with the status quo, and solitude in quiet wild places. This ties in so strongly with the release card. It is a beautiful invitation to take an inner journey, and trust what you find there. Imagine following a spark of light deep into a cave. What aspect of yourself do you find there? That's what you'll need to listen to, rather than looking to other people for your cues.
Current Action: Ace of Cups, reversed.
All that love you've got stored up, let it out. Let the people in your life know how you feel about them, be kind to strangers, be patient when someone else is having a hard time and acting out. All that work you're doing on yourself, all that self-care, that love--is overflowing and you have enough to share. The time is now, there's nothing to be gained by waiting. And giving love in this free, flowing way, that in no way contradicts the advice of the reversed Three of Cups, or The Hermit. You can give freely, without looking for approval or reciprocation, and without bowing to pressure to give more, less, or differently.